Anybody have any ideas for a safe attachment on a roller coaster that accelerates to 128 mph? My son and I will be visiting this park soon.
No hats are allowed and for good reason. I am thinking of blue liner all the way around the perimeter, which I presently use on the sides and back with supertape on the front but I am concerned about this one.
Customers have ridden motorcyles at high speeds, go scuba diving, done heavy workouts, etc. but no one has gone 128 mph on a roller coaster. This should be interesting! I'm sure everyone is looking forward to hearing your report on this.
I would use plenty of blue liner everywhere and leave about 1/8-1/4 of an inch at the hairline for a nice coat of ultrahold. Do the attachment at least 24 hours before you hit the park and you should be fine.
(08-24-2010, 06:17 AM)JRob Wrote: I would use plenty of blue liner everywhere and leave about 1/8-1/4 of an inch at the hairline for a nice coat of ultrahold. Do the attachment at least 24 hours before you hit the park and you should be fine.