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When you wear a hair piece.....
11-15-2008, 07:17 PM,
When you wear a hair piece.....
how does it feel (physically)? like do you feel that it is what it is, hair thats not yours and your hiding who you are? or does the hair actually feel like its your and your confident enough to run your hands through your hair and just be carefree about it?

Im just a newb trying to find as much info as I can before making my next decision about what to with my thinning hair. Im glad there is a forum like this that allows people to share their experiences and help one another. Ive been lurking for awhile and this place seems great.
11-16-2008, 02:05 AM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
I suppose, like everything else, it is subjective. I would liken it to wearing shoes. You know they're there, but you don't usually think about them during the day (unless they don't fit well). I would predict that you'll get a lift - in different way from the shoes.

11-16-2008, 03:07 AM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
Dear balding,
Actually, these are the same questions that I asked 3 years ago and as MB told me back then, "you don't even know that it is up there". It is not like wearing a hat or even a bandanna. There is no sense of pressure or anything. My biggest problem at first was forgetting that something was up there and scratching my head like I always did, but you know what, that doesn't matter either. I treat it with a little more kindness than natural growing hair, but not much and they last about six months without much wear and tear. I go for about three weeks and then think, "Oh yea, I should take this off and clean some glue off of my noggin".
I hope this helps,
11-16-2008, 11:17 PM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....

Attach it well and you will forget it's there - it just becomes a piece of you. Wind, rain, swimming, driving in a convertable, surfing, working out at the gym, washing the hair every day...all part of my daily life and to me, they make no difference.

The only time you will be worrying about your hair piece is if it's not attached well, or if the color is way off. You can easily fix the color by way of styling (gels, waxes, etc), but there's no excuse for going out with a poorly attached picece. Period.
11-18-2008, 05:53 AM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
Physically, you won't notice it's there. It becomes part of you. However, I think psychologically (consciously) you will at first feel like there's 100 pounds on your head, due to questions such as "do people know?" or "why is she staring at me?" etc. In another post, the word ATTITUDE was discussed. It's not the type of base, type of ventilation, type of glue, type of tape, color of hair, style of hair, etc.; it's ATTITUDE that is your best tool to looking good.

Here's an analogy. Someone wants to commit a crime. He or she might just be standing in line (something everyone does normally) but his or her behavior might be a little bit suspicious (because he or she is conscious of what he/she is about to do). Someone, who would normally NOT pay much attention to such a mundane action (such as standing in line), WILL start to notice something's wrong and then suspiciously observe. The potential crook is busted.

Wearing hair is the same. If the attitude attracts people to sense that something is wrong, they will be LOOKING for something to be wrong...

11-18-2008, 03:11 PM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
flyguykorea Wrote:Mate,

Attach it well and you will forget it's there - it just becomes a piece of you. Wind, rain, swimming, driving in a convertable, surfing, working out at the gym, washing the hair every day...all part of my daily life and to me, they make no difference.

Dude, you cannot be serious about surfing. I surf in some pretty mellow east coast slop and I still get majorly pounded. I honestly cannot see how ppl are surfing with standard toppers. I'm not doubting you. It just amazes me.
11-19-2008, 04:31 PM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
My hair feels like a part of me, I run my fingers through it or scratch my head just like anyone with real hair. When I take off my hair and look in the mirror, that's not me. I honestly don't think of myself as bald. No one ever looks twice at me or at my hairline.
11-20-2008, 07:33 AM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
Do most of you guys just wash your hair in place, just like real hair? I mean is it just like it used to be when
you grew your own hair...just wash and go? If that is the case, it would be much more liberating than what I go through each morning with consealer and hairspray.

11-20-2008, 09:45 AM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
Yea .. if securely attached and the piece is
looking natural .. it allows you to get on with
other areas of your life ..

instead of being constantly obsessed by
that scary bald spot ....

Sometimes .. there are minor problems that arise ...

Like this weekend at my sister's 40th birthday
party .... I had to explain to her overly amorous
girlfriends that I am NOT AS YOUNG AS I look ..... Smile

Well .. I'm not going to get into details .... but
like Farrell says on one of his YouTube videos ..

"Want to take ten years off your life ... move
your piece (hairline) ... a little more forward) ..

Move it back .. expose a little more forehead ..
and the look dates you ten years ! "

Note: It did take a short adjustment period to
get used to having this much hair on my head ..
But now, with the piece off ... I hardly recognize
the dude ! Smile
11-21-2008, 09:18 PM,
Re: When you wear a hair piece.....
Madbull Wrote:
flyguykorea Wrote:Mate,

Attach it well and you will forget it's there - it just becomes a piece of you. Wind, rain, swimming, driving in a convertable, surfing, working out at the gym, washing the hair every day...all part of my daily life and to me, they make no difference.

Dude, you cannot be serious about surfing. I surf in some pretty mellow east coast slop and I still get majorly pounded. I honestly cannot see how ppl are surfing with standard toppers. I'm not doubting you. It just amazes me.

East coast of Australia (The Gold Coast) is where I surf & swim and the surf is not always mellow! St-30 around the permieter and a strip down the middle, Walker no-shine frontal tape with a small amount of ultra-hold on the front and the thing doesn't move. Mind you, with all the exposure to salt water/wind, etc, I usually get only around 2 -3 months out of my piece...but that's not important.


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