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Help needed, first experience... Porky Pine!
07-13-2012, 03:41 PM,
Help needed, first experience... Porky Pine!
Hi guys! Yesterday I received my very first system (from HL, all SFS). There is no way I can make that look natural on me... I washed, combed, cut, and was never able to look like anything but a porky pine. I rather have less hair than look like that!

I was thinking about getting a new one here from TL, so would love to learn from you about the tight curve hair and ventilation for short hair. BTW anyone who had a HL system before could compare the hair quality? Normal hair is thinner and so much softer than what I got, and it does not stick straight up, unless you have asian hair.

HERE is my story:

I had no problem with attaching or making the hairline look like the hairs are growing from the scalp. The problem was the type of hair, consistency, density. Too dense, too straight, too thick. I had a full head of hair alright but it did not match me. Imagine a black guy with straight asian hair lol, or the other way around. Impossible to make it stay close to scalp unless fully soaked in water

My hair is kinda curly and frizzy, but not Afro, so i cant order that. Think Italian wavy/curly hair. Nowadays i use short, since i no longer sport the awesome full-mane I had... Is there a way to get a system for short hair that looks natural and wavy? I cant have hair sticking up to moon lol.

Also i always hated the "gel" or hair product look(no ofense to anyone that likes that), its just not my thing. I don't mind dry dull, matte hair at all, i actually love it. So i was hoping for something that looked good and natural when dry.

I hope i dont come across as picky... I am just trying to kinda recreate what I had. I think that is the best way to get caught, when your hair suddenly is completely different in texture and thickness

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Help needed, first experience... Porky Pine! - JackAndCoke - 07-13-2012, 03:41 PM

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