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Hair Integration System
05-27-2012, 09:08 AM,
RE: Hair Integration System
Yeah, I'm seeing more and more threads like this by folks trying to use something short of a decent sized partial. I wonder if it's because of some thought in their minds that, "well, if I call what I'm wearing an integration system, or if I just make two little partials for the receding temples, then it's not a hairpiece?" Guys, the distinction is non-existent and it's pointless. In fact, for those of you thinking about getting two small partials for the temples (not the OP) the reality is you will be wearing TWO hairpieces. Shave the bad stuff off and replace it with a full topper or a decent sized partial. Just shave back until you run into the good, non-thinning hair. It's a hairpiece regardless of what you're calling it, and a traditional topper or partial is much easier to attach and maintain. I guarantee that and have no reason to mislead you.

As to the OP, dude, you're an ideal candidate for a 2 to 4 inch partial with that hairstyle (which is very reminiscent of the one I've worn since I was 16). Since you wear your bangs down, you should have no problem with the transition. Make a template for a partial tracing back to where your hair is thinning (which I bet is about 2 inches from your forelock in the center) or maybe a little more. Order a partial with very straight hair (gets some assurance from the retailer that you'll get straight hair -- get it in writing and raise hell if they don't come through), then shave that crappy stuff off and put the partial on when it arrives. After that just order larger partials as your hair recedes over the years. That's exactly the process I went through, except I had the misfortune of paying a salon to do it for those first few years. But, since I started early like you, nobody ever described me as the bald guy or the guy with a receding hairline. The time to act is now. You will not be sorry.

Messages In This Thread
Hair Integration System - caspiancaspian - 05-27-2012, 03:17 AM
RE: Hair Integration System - MattNH - 05-27-2012, 06:55 AM
RE: Hair Integration System - needmorehair - 05-27-2012, 09:08 AM
RE: Hair Integration System - Spartan - 05-27-2012, 09:27 AM
RE: Hair Integration System - Hersute - 05-27-2012, 11:07 AM
RE: Hair Integration System - JamesKennedy - 05-29-2012, 12:50 PM
RE: Hair Integration System - JamesKennedy - 05-31-2012, 02:46 PM

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