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Going from Consealer to Wearing Hair
10-08-2008, 06:40 AM,
Re: Going from Consealer to Wearing Hair
I too used concealers for a similar length of time, until I felt that I was no longer able to maintain the illusion. Also, by last summer, I had so much Toppik in my hair, that if I sweat at all, I'd end up with green lines of sweat running down my face, which wasn't very natural, to say the least. I'd have to carry an umbrella everywhere, even on sunny days, lest there be an unexpected downpour.

I switched to wearing three or four months ago. My hair now looks much better now than it for the last couple of years, especially after maintaining a front hairline became impossible.

I can't say that wearing has been easier. There's a significant learning curve. For using concealers, that learning curve was more gentle, since at first I just need to shake the can over my head in a few places. Eventually, I had developed all sorts of arcane techniques, which would have been impossible to learn all at once. With wearing, you have to learn a whole bunch all at once. But over the past couple of months, it has become easier over time, and I assume that it will continue to. By the time I've been wearing for as long as I was using concealers, I'm sure that wearing will be significantly easier than using concealers was, and, of course, much more realistic-looking.

Also, at some point, when you don't have enough of your own hair to work with the concealers, you don't really have any choice.

Also, if you are in a stable relationship, I take it you can make wearing a lot easier by using bases that are easier to maintain, but are more detectable to touch.

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Re: Going from Consealer to Wearing Hair - Darius - 10-08-2008, 06:40 AM

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