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Crazy story about a girl, and the wig...
12-22-2008, 07:19 AM,
Crazy story about a girl, and the wig...
I met a girl two months ago, really nice one, very good looking (24 y/o). We spent a lot of time together, and at some point came to talk about hairloss (not mine, she doesn’t know since I conceal). She told me her father suffers from hairloss, and he looks real bad without hair. I asked her if he wears a wig (since when I saw him he had hair), she told me, and I quote: "no, my father will NEVER do a thing like that, he went for HT", I felt a lot of negative emotion in her voice toward the wig, and didn't really wanted to ask why... It kind of scared me though (as a future wearer) that young girls go with such a negative feeling about the wig... (since after all, one of my main reasons to get the wig in the first place, was to be more comfortable with girls, and if this will create the opposite effect, then it will be pretty absurd).

In any case, as things look now, something might develop between us in the following weeks (at first she didn't think about us seriously, now she's starting to change her mind...). The thing is, what do you think will happen if I switch to a wig in the following weeks ?, after the comment she gave above, I can already hear her yelling (hopefully *after* I tell her I wear) "Jonesy what have you DONE ???, how could you do this ???, blah, blah, blah....". I can't really hide it from her (maybe technically I can, but after I know how she feels about it, it would not be morally right, especially since she’s very good looking and it’s extremely easy for her to find very attractive men who don’t wear wigs, thought they won’t have my character that she likes so much…).

I don’t see a smooth solution to this problem. She keeps telling me to switch my hairstyle (and she’s right, my damn combover is so outdated), but she doesn’t understand that I don’t have hairs on my head to pull off any other style but the current. My only alternative is the wig, which I wanted to switch to before I met her. I guess she’s just the wrong girl for me at this point, it’s just funny that hair is going to keep us apart (and in this special situation a wig doesn't seem to be the answer...).

The even funnier thing (or sad, some might say), is that if she'll give me the option: "shave your head and be with me, or get the wig and be without me", I'll be without her, even though I have strong feelings for her.

Did any girl left you after she found out you wear ?, to tell the truth I never read a story where some girl left a guy after she found out he wears, but maybe people are just too sensitive to talk about it, or maybe prefer to think it was something else and not the fact that she couldn't accept the wig...

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Crazy story about a girl, and the wig... - Jonesy123 - 12-22-2008, 07:19 AM

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