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attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
03-23-2009, 03:25 AM,
attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
How do you guys ensure an attachment that's lined up correctly and flush with the shaved/bald area? The method I've been using is this:

Once glue is dry I press the front of the hairpiece down in what I think is the middle of my forehead, let it sit for a few seconds, then I pull in both directions - laterally and in a downward motion - and push down lightly, every two inches or so. I keep doing this motion until I get to the back and it's done. This works ok for me, but I'm not 100% at it. Often I get one side overlapping my real hair and thus screwing up my attachment. Like right now I have my left side and left/back part of my lace hanging over my real hair by about 1/4". I hate the feeling when after I pressed it down and i feel that edge and realize I screwed it up and don't know how to start over w/o completely starting over and wrecking my scalp by removing fresh glue and reapplying.

What's a good method to ensure a higher rate of getting it flush with my shaved area? Btw, I checked and the base shape/size is the same as the shaved area so that's not the issue.

Also, when I do realize that I screw up the attachment like this, is there an easy way to pull the piece off and try again w/o having to clean up all the Ultrahold and completely start over? It's been about 24 hours now, do I have to remove the piece and glue and completely start over?? ouch

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attachment tips needed (glue and lace) - NotGuilty - 03-23-2009, 03:25 AM

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