how realistic are they?
i have been researching hair pieces for about a month now and i am not sure how undetectable some off these hairpieces are,
i see some and think wow that is fantastic then i will see someone else and it looks bad,there are a number off people on this site that look great and this encourages me but there are others that look bad,i really want to start wearing a hairpiece but i feel what is the point if it don,t look good.Also it seems the lace at the front is always popping up on peoples hairsystyms ,i mean that is a dead give away or the color is off,i really want to start wearing by the end of the year but i am terrfied at the moment,i just want to look like i used to and this seems the only way possible i still have loads of hair left but i am diffusing in a norwood 5 patterrn and to me looks real bad ,would this cause a problem with attachement.
There just seems so many negatives to this hairwearing experince,is there anyone who can put my mind at rest and say.
hairwearing is a lot off work but very much worth it and you will feel bettter