Xeon005 Wrote:American crew pomade is good. But I would say its similar to waxworks. I have tried surfhair by fructis. Drys the hair too much. one product that i kind of like is Axe spiking putty. It kind of spikes your hair like gel without getting stiff. Im not sure how good it is on the hair tho. Have not used it that long.
All of the Fructis stuff dries the hair if you don't add serum to it. And I don't know why that is because as far as I can tell there is nothing in it that should cause drying. I'm going to ask my chemist which of the ingredients is causing this.
Oh yea....I actually have an American Crew kncokoff hair putty I got from Sally's that is pretty good. I don't know if it drys the hair if used on its own since I always use a drop of serum with it, but using it the way I do it works well.