(02-20-2013, 06:48 AM)Hairenough Wrote: It looks like a natural head of hair. There is nothing else to say about that. You must be pleased!
As your side hair grows out remember to keep trimming it so the blend stays good. I run the clippers over my back and sides for a minute every 2-3 days and my blend is always flawless. But I wear mine very short and buzzeed on the sides and back. You might only need to trimm your sides once a week.
I know this thread is really old so you probably won't see this, but I'd read your posts about your thin skin and how well it was working for you and wanted to ask you how it's been the past couple of years or if you've switched anything up? I've been doing extensive research and would love to be able to speak with you through email or phone before I take the plunge. I'm 30 and plan on exposing some scalp and mostly style bangs forward. Wanting the most realistic look visually and to the touch. Also curious how your scalp health has been and if you've had issues with getting too hot with the skin va lace. Would love hear back from you if you see this. Thanks man,