RE: Thinking about it
Hi Hairspray - I can only support anty s comments . I ve only been wearing for 2 months
and wish I d done it sooner . I spent about 2 years reading the forums firstly looking for some miracle cure until I found myself looking at the system forums more and it slowly dawned on me
the only way i would get the hair I wanted - Instantly - was to wear a {whisper it } a wig .
That in itself is quite challenging from the practical side to the mental side . Its a steep learning
curve but with practice and patience a good result can be achieved .
What hastened my decision was a looming family wedding - even a seasoned hat wearer like moi
could nt wear my ball cap at a wedding . TBH I was fulled with dread as the day approached
I took the plunge and went all in and ordered a skin and lace . My hours of watching vids and
reading the forums kicked in and in short I made the template and somehow cut the base and styled it even if it did take about 3 evenings - remember take it slowly it wont grow back if you mess up .
Then came the mental side - what helped was the first time I showed my wife she liked it that
gave me the confidence to go forward so my first time wearing in public was at a large wedding
which was rather nerve wracking but I had positive feedback and thoroughly enjjoyed the day as a guy with hair instead of - the bald one even had a bridesmaid ask how old I was she thought
I was 40 something early 50 s - I turned 60 this year but now do actually feel 40 something
and I dont fear the mirror anymore . Its changed my life and instead of making excuses { m
now looking forward to Xmas and going out to restaurants etc .
Even so its still has its moments and at times can feel paranoid - sometimes I feel a bit of fraud
and think people can tell its a wig but I m pretty sure from observing people that no one has
noticed I wear - a lot of that is because it looks realistic and like anty says it restores
your confidence big time - so start living ......etc