Help needed! Bad reaction after first attachment
Hi! got my first system about a week ago and did a fairly succesful attachment the same day. Apart from that I accidently cut some hair among the edge when I trimmed the lace to the right shape. I looked really good in my opinion. So far so good.
But after a couple of hours I started to have a really hard time breathing and my blood pressure became really high. So I had to remove it. This attachment was made with low profile tape and walker safe grip. So I tried a homemade glue that I found the reciepe for here on the forum for a couple of days. Well that worked but the edges released i bit to easy. So i tried another attachment with no shine tape and safe grip. That gave me the same reactions as I got from the first attachment. So I removed the glue but kept the tape and my breathing and blood pressure got better.
I have had the same reactions from certain chemicals that I were exposed to on my previous work. These reactions are mainly not from allergy, they come from that my body absorved something from the adhesives. I am writing this mainly because i need help to help to find some adhesives that are safe for me to use and that give a low detectebillity if I were to expose my hairline. So if you have any advice, please help me and sorry if this is a bit hard read, english isnt my native language.