RE: Miraculous natural glue
Hello Soposopa,
Thanks for posting this thread. As someone who has always been concerned about potential long range health issues from constant use of adhesives, the thought of making homemade glue out of natural ingredients is very appealing. Here are a few questions I need help with:
* When the glue is dry enough to attach the hair, do you use Adjust-a-bond or alcohol in case you don't get the unit on correctly and need to reposition OR, does the glue allow you enough time to rearrange/ adjust the unit without the use of such?
* How do you apply the glue? Do you use your finger or a brush?
* How often do you get your hair system wet? I get mine wet every morning (wash my natural hair (sides/ back) and rinse the unit at the same time. I am wondering if I will still be able to do that and not have the adhesive breakdown prematurely. I remove, clean and reattach every 7 to 10 days max.
* I am not following you on the use of cream on the front. Would you please elaborate on that point and also explain what kind of cream you are applying?
Much thanks!