This is still a bit of a `` work in progress`` was delivered in September, but only styled-in last week..... it looks ` full` [dense] --it`s actually not---it`s because it`s new and still has that normal ` bounce` in the hair.... I wear a baseball cap at work, so that`s helping to tame it down.... I deliberately left the hair on the `long` side.... I`ll see how it settles ... I`ve already done some thinning here and there myself, and have been adjusting [trimming] the shape around the temples/ ear-flaps.... I just want to go softly softly for now ... I`d recommend any new wearer not to go for the ` finished-look` when you visit your stylist for the first time....this also applies to topper wearers should always leave the hair a bit on the long side and see how it settles down can go back after a week or ten days for a little adjustment such as a little thinning-out or shortening of the hair tips.