23 y/o Looking into Partial Template, need advice (pics)
Hey everyone. I developed a receding hairline around age 17 and now have a lot of recession at the temples at age 23. My front started thinning and receding at age 22. I tried Propecia last year for 6 months but did not enjoy the sides, so I got off of it. I honestly think it's a drug not meant for human consumption.
I am looking into a partial hairpiece but definitely need some advice. Should I go with a stock unit, or custom piece? How can I make a template, if I still have hair on more than half my head?
I workout intensely 4-5 times per week and sweat a lot. How long can I expect a piece to hold up? Would glue or tape be best?
I think it would be best to shave the thinning front part and then attach a piece - starting at where there is recession at my temples. Would this be best? I have mostly thin hair everywhere, so I'm wondering what density I should go with. I also need advice on which base to go with.
Attached are some pictures. Any help would be greatly appreciated!