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4 months of wearing time for a new system (pics)
04-13-2014, 05:48 AM,
RE: 4 months of wearing time for a new system (pics)
The colour match, the blending and the over-all style are excellent.
There are no circumstances that I or anyone could ever know it wasn't all your own hair.

My only suggestion would be that you considered a few more layers in the cut, just to break it up a bit and give it a more-choppy, less-slicked look.
But thats me being REALLY nit-picking and pedantic and its only MY preference in style, so feel free to ignore me!
When I used to wear my hair in a neater style, I was forever getting people wanting to touch it and mess it up!

Re the grey hairs.
I think you're right and that synthetic hair should be impervious to dye and even colour conditioners etc.
They can be heat susceptible though and break off or even shrivel up in moderate heat.
Do you think thats what might have happened to them?

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RE: 4 months of wearing time for a new system (pics) - Hersute - 04-13-2014, 05:48 AM

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