I promised to post some pictures of my thin skin (3mil thick system) in another post, but thought it would get more exposure if I started a new thread. To summarize my experience...I used to wear lace for several years but was not completely satisfied with the look especially of the hairline which I expose with a combed back style. I didn't like the matrix of the base visible at certain angles and lighting conditions. And of course as many of you have discovered the cleanup is quite an ordeal. Well, I have since discovered thin skin units 3 months ago and so far the improvement has been nothing short of amazing for me.
With skin I get a very clean matrix-free, natural looking hairline. No line at the edge, no shine, and no lifting despite a fully exposed hairline. And no knots that have to be dyed...hurrah! I use the G2B hair gel for attachment and detach daily or sometimes after 2-3 days. It's so easy to apply. No multiple layers and drying time between layers like other glues. Just put it on with a finger and attach immediately. It dries to a firm hold in five minutes for me. The cleanup compared to lace is superior with G2B; just peel off carefully, turn upside down and rinse with water and rub gently with your finger. You don't even have to get the hair wet. Let it dry and you're ready for reattachment. And the G2B is much cheaper than other glues... a huge tube for 5-6 dollars that will last forever compared to the 1-2 ounce bottles of glues costing as much or much more. Now G2B is only water resistant and may not work well if you're going to submerge your head swimming, I will say it worked for me during strenuous sweating, while installing a wall in my house. Also I can add that though I was sweating, I didn't feel excessively warm, a criticism leveled at skin units.
Of course nothing is perfect and skin is no exception. Having had my unit for 3 months I have accidentally torn it twice at the edge. It is fragile. Remember these units are very thin, like saran wrap. Repair was very easy though... just tape the rip carefully making sure the edges are in place and you're good to go; it's virtually as good as new.
I purchased my thin skin from another vendor, not TopLace, buying a stock system and receiving it in less than a week. The unit was light-medium density, but was still a bit too dense for me as I'm a fifty-something dude. So I plucked out hairs with a tweezer until I got it to where it was a reasonable density for me.
Anyway, here's some pics...
Close up.
And another.