RE: Anxiety?
I'm pretty sure he will he's that kind of peson, my answer will depend on who's around, on my own easy but with other family members admitting taking med's would be admitting I suffered hairloss which would be news to them, so I think just throwing it back at him and making a joke of it would be the best...anyway back to your situation.
I think everyone can understand your feelings about being depressed its really accepting hairloss thats the key.
Its one of those things theres a lot worse things out there, to me its great that there are options to solve the problem.
I wont go over what others have said.
For me it comes down to how I feel with the piece and how I feel without it.
Without it my hair is a nightmare, I can just about pull off a look of no hairloss but the style is terrible, so I feel terrible and think about it all the time and hate meeting new people.
With it I look so much better, I dont have the worry of spending hours infront of the mirror, and this all makes me think about my hair a lot less and I can feel good and get on with things.
Theres no question its the best thing I've done for my hairloss.
Look, tonnes of people do various things to make them look and feel better this is just one, for example my friend (girl) goes to the hairdressers and gets loads of hair extentions put it, this takes hours and hours but no-one cares its just what women do. I also think once you've told her you'll feel more relaxed, as time passes it just becomes part of your life and you barely think about it, once that happens I think spending less time on forums is another positive step, its great to check in every now and again but i think if you spend too much time on forums it just makes you think about your hair more.
the fact your wearing it brushed down with product would make it virtually impossible to detect, unless the colour and thickness is totally out, sometimes I think people should grow their sides out more unless your wearing a fullcap of course. I think your a little paranoid, people look at people as they pass in the street,I do and I'm not looking at their hair its just a natural thing to do. You have to start getting a little tougher...its your life no-one elses
You need to concentrate on the positive side of it not the negative. Imagine if you had no hairloss but still concentrated on all the negative things that happen to you in your life....but people dont they accept them or they do something to change it.
Its quite strange that people can handle other negative things but hairloss they just focus on, makes no sense does it?
Theres 2 options you have (3 if you do ht's), either accept and dont wear or wear.
You also have to get perspective, there are terrible things going on this is pretty insignificant when you think about it.
Whatever you decide you will have to approach it in a positive way.
good luck.