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Taking the step on 1st Dec (pics)
11-18-2012, 10:15 PM,
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec
Maybe people like me have been singing the praises of hairpieces too loudly?
Or maybe younger people are starting to worry at earlier & earlier stages of hairloss?
But more and more these days I see guys with perfectly normal (and as _triple_h_ above, even enviable) amounts of hair talking about getting replacement hair.

Perhaps the reality is worse than the pictures I'm seeing?
I'm not trying to diminish the concerns of these guys.
I've no doubt that their hairlines have changed and maybe for some, its happened quite rapidly.
But I would trade my wig for natural hair like _triple-h_'s in a heart beat!

I just want to stress that maintenance and attachments etc are a bind, but for me, this effort is far better than my alternative of being bald. And thats quite a dramatic alternative.
If I had a reasonable amount of natural hair, I would NOT trade it for the gluing & sticking & cleaning involved with a hairpiece.
The balance of the trade-off between effort & results would be lost.
Maybe this hasn't been spoken about enough and thats why guys are considering replacement hair before they really need it?

There seems to be an ever increasing attitude that anything less than 'perfect' (in this case a dead straight hairline) is a 'flaw' that needs to be rectified.
But normal hair recession (just like natural hair colour) changes as we get older.
In many cases these changes suit our age & faces better than we realise.
Thats why some men who persist in dying their hair too late in life can look weird, because it no longer suits their older skin tones.
The same goes for recession. The straight hairline of our teens mostly just doesn't look right on someone more mature.
Not all change is bad and not all change needs to be rectified.

Obviously I know nothing about _triple_h_ or his circumstances, so this isn't necessarily directed at him.
And I am just discussing the physical aspects here, not the psychological ones.
From what I can see of his pictures, he looks like an attractive younger guy with a normal amount of hair.
What I can't see is that by having more hair, he is going to be any more attractive and I question whether the expense, effort and other issues are justified.

What concerns me is the psychology of guys wanting absolute perfection and seeing anything less than perfect as a problem.
Young men these days are being negatively effected by the same types of retouched media images that have taunted women for decades.
I'm all for self improvement and looking the best you can, but I'm worried that perspectives are becoming skewered and that this can only get worse.
@ _triple_h_

I really wish you luck and hope that replacement hair does everything for you that you want it to.
I really look forward to you coming back here on Dec 2nd and telling me I am completely wrong!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Hersute - 11-18-2012, 10:15 PM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - antywanty - 11-18-2012, 10:35 PM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Porcupine - 11-19-2012, 07:08 AM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - bamac22 - 11-19-2012, 08:58 AM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Amstat - 11-19-2012, 12:05 PM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Kero - 12-05-2012, 09:16 AM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Hersute - 12-11-2012, 12:18 PM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Hersute - 12-12-2012, 03:17 AM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - antywanty - 12-12-2012, 07:48 AM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Hersute - 12-15-2012, 06:34 AM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Porcupine - 12-15-2012, 08:09 AM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - Hersute - 12-15-2012, 12:55 PM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - JRob - 12-16-2012, 02:21 PM
RE: Taking the step on 1st Dec - rainman54 - 12-30-2012, 10:24 AM

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