RE: Have you ever been caught?
Hello there, I was `caught`, how I hate using that word because it implies we were caught doing something wrong. I will refrase it. I arose suspision from my friend , totaly my fault!!!!!, I wore a piece longer than I should have. I was wearing the famous BA piece, I loved it to so much I wore it even though I knew I should of gotten rid of it a few months before. This was at a time when everything was still up in the air about wether we would be recieveing those elusive Ba hair pieces!!!! We were at the gym after sweating alot,he told me right up front, `Get rid of that piece, its worn out` and that is exactly what I did. Like I said totally my fault. But in all honestly I am a avey organized person but will not spen hours in front of a mirror. So yes I am guilty of not letting the hair rule my life.