RE: Questions about toplace systems (photos)
I don't know, I am not sure I buy into the whole indian hair is the same as European Hair story. I think that is part of the smoke and mirrors. I agree that is what is used by probably 90 percent of the hair replacement out there. A lot I think lie and say it is European so that is probably why they are so similar. I can't see how genuine unprocessed European hair would be the same as indian processed. The indian hair is good enough for most people. but I will be honest. when you first get the hair its great, and smooth, but after a few washings the hair starts getting thick and dry. The thickness of the hair is my main problem. My remedy for it is to use product .. water, wax works, gels etc. This helps alot for me. I couldn't wear older systems with no product. With that in mind, my systems last me a long time. Most people would probably chuck the damn thing by the time the hair gets really screwy.
Ive seen a female wig one time made from European hair and the hair is a lot thinner