You've actually made me view it from a completely different perspective & you're absolutely right, as a conceptual art installation it would be a fantastic concept. All us wig wearers could perhaps travel to Mysterios chosen gallery where we could supply food & bonding materials, like a pilgrimage if you will. I suggest putting yourself in a glass box to maintain a constant temperature while allowing a slight breeze through to rustle the hair. Will you be using standard colors or should you include highlights? What about knot bleaching...that really affects shedding apparently (some say). So many variables to take into consideration-whats your age by the way? I can see you being in one place for a very, very long time.
Unfortunately the OP doesn't see the issues involved with his experimentation Hersute & will probably still forge ahead with his "hairious knee'us" (un) scientific investigation. Please don't make it private Mysterio, I would love to view the daily updates & I PROMISE I won't comment on a thing