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Poll: Can a topper hairline look unquestionably good?
Maybe, but with hard work
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Doubts on the natrural look of pieces
06-20-2012, 05:48 AM,
RE: Doubts on the natrural look of pieces
I have to agree Amstat.

I know newbies have concerns and one of them is always "How detectable will the piece be?" but sometimes, the way the question is posed in the post, there is an underlying inference that we might all be walking jokes, pointed at and leered at in the streets for having a cat on our heads.

Even if that were true, what current wearer is actually going to respond and say "Yes, my piece is totally detectable."?
Even those of us who would say "No, not detectable if done properly." are only offering our opinion & perception of our experiences.
There are no facts emerging from responses. If 10 people say something is ok, does that make it ok for everyone?

No one has ever said anything negative about my hair since I started wearing.
I like to believe its because its totally undetectable.
But equally it could be that its SO obvious, people see no need or are too embarrassed to mention it.
So me chiming in and telling someone they'll be able to wear without detection could be completely the wrong thing to say.

In this case, Val was completely put off by one person's experience & opinion.

People with doubts need to do lots of REAL research. Go and see lots of suppliers and see lots of different products. Ask questions based on what you can see in front of you.
Take along a trusted friend to get a true second opinion.

Asking a bunch of strangers with no yard stick for comparison is pointless.
Our opinions are going to be completely biased.
Its not us that has to wear someone else's hair.
If that person feels self conscious & uncomfortable wearing hair, no matter how undetectable it is, nothing we can say will help them.

Confidence is the single most important element to wearing and you're not going to be confident just because we tell you you will be.

Another thing that annoys me about threads like this and the one posted by Tripz ( Everyone who wears please chime in) is that they ask people to take time out & give their life stories and share their personal experiences and then the original poster goes off in to the ether and we never hear from them again!

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RE: Doubts on the natrural look of pieces - Hersute - 06-20-2012, 05:48 AM

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