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Poll: Can a topper hairline look unquestionably good?
Maybe, but with hard work
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Doubts on the natrural look of pieces
06-20-2012, 01:17 AM,
RE: Doubts on the natrural look of pieces

I have been wearing units for 31 years and yes, you can have a natural looking unit. I must also qualify that answer as some people are extremely observant and might spot something wrong with your look but won't actually know what it is. Most people will however never even suspect, and I have had some cr@ppy units in my life! I am very critical and can spot most units, but so can most wearers (don't fret about that).

There are a few things you must do though, and most of it is not hard work (as you asked). The first step is to order correctly. Don't order a unit that has too much hair and don't order too dark a color. Those are the first two things that will give it away. My units are darker around the edges and lighter in color on top. Highlights (or lowlights) and selective gray in certain areas do wonders.

Then you must get a very good stylist and select a hairstyle that suite your face and age and one that you can easily manage. Most of the hair from my units cover my own hair anyway and if you order the correct color and the cut is done properly, you won't notice a line. Very few people get to see the back of your head closeup anyway. The importance of a good stylist can't be overstressed!

Don't wear a unit for too long as they lose hair and will fade in color. I am very hard on a unit as I wear it 24/7 and shower, gym, sleep etc in it. I wear mine for a month at a time and normally only get three months maximum out of a unit. Use the correct shampoo and conditioner and make sure your water is soft. Wear a hat or something if you go out in the sun a lot as it is really hard on a unit.

I am aiming to have 6 units per year, I can afford it at this stage of my life. My goal is to actually have 12 per year. I have ordered my first Toplace unit and will order a few more with different bases and maybe even a stock unit or two as standby. It might take me a year or so but I will eventually get the right combinations, then after that it's plain sailing. After all these years of wearing I am still excited and very happy that I found TL.

Some people are just not made to wear units, some are great at it. I have achieved way more in life by wearing than what I would have if I was not. It's a great confidence booster and adds greatly to one's image. You also look younger and more vibrant. Even with the ladies, and here I am not going to elaborate...................you will just have to take my word for it!!

If you don't wear then verybody will spot that you are bald but if you do wear a great unit, less than 1% of people you meet will even wonder.

For me there is no question.

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RE: Doubts on the natrural look of pieces - Oldwearer - 06-20-2012, 01:17 AM

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