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First post in years. New style with some pictures
05-10-2012, 05:33 PM,
RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures
Here there Dino!

The hair length in the front is between 1 1/2 inch to almost 2 inches. The back hair is all different but some hairs go almost 4 inches. The sides are around 2. So its different all over. My side hair (there is a pic on the front page of this site with my side hair only. I do notice in the last few years I am having to shave more and more because of thinning.

If I can do a video I will show my attachment. It isn't much really... Much like other videos that are out there.. I just use white glue.. I lay the piece down and tap with a comb. I then spray the front edge with some water so i can get it to go where I want it.. and then I use a blow drier and blow upwards to get a "Spiky" style.

I would like to do a video for this latest piece to just show the overall appearance of it.. A video of indoor lighting and outdoor lighting would be preferable. So many of these videos you see out there that show a cut in or closeup hairline shots that are always done in that wonderful indoor lighting that salons have. I just wish I was brave enough to show my face.
So anyway.. I will try to do a vid at some point. I know its kind of fascinating for me to see a few of the videos I took on my phone showing my new style. Gives a great perspective on everything

Hey there Reubin and Snipe!

I really recommend the lace Reubin. Its extremely fragile though.. so it definitely has to be handled with care.

@Bangless.. I could try to snap a picture with my side hair brushed back and the front styled more conservatively . I did order my piece with the hair direction going forward from the crown so I know it lays better when going forward. I also ordered the hair spiky in the front.

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RE: First post in years. New style with some pictures - SteveL - 05-10-2012, 05:33 PM

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