things for me are going great! last attachment is 1 week away, washed my hair 3 times so far and finally the thing stays in place. gonna do some touch ups at the front tomorrow and then see if i can hit the 2 week mark.
if anyone is also suffering from short attachment times, what made a huge difference for me was using 70% alcohol to rub my scalp. never imagined it could have such a huge effect but it did. my hairline is also looking better and better with every attachment. so yeah overall im very happy! i wasnt sure if wearing really was for me because i struggled somewhat at the start but at this point i know this was the right decision and im so glad i made it.
on to my question! after trying back2natural (thanks paul!) to correct the very slight color difference of my hair and system hair without success, i bought some real color. the mismatch is very very slight, and not noticeable if the hair is combed properly, but it still makes me paranoid.
so after searching trough the forums i found lots of different information and i wanted to ask again before potentially ruining the only system i have right now.
can i just comb the color into the strands at the sides of my head, wait a couple of minutes and rinse? or does the system hair soak up color faster than my real hair? will the result even be satisfying? since i have dark i can imagine both my real and system hair just turning respectively darker but still having a mismatch.
maybe someone can help! what would i do without this forum