Hi Skeletor...not being sarcastic but you shouldn`t have glue IN your hair at all...how come glue is stuck in there? At a guess, it sounds to me that you`ve either [or both] applied heavy layers of glue and /or not allowed it to go almost dry before pressing the lace down into it, resulting in it seeping through onto the hair. In order to de-bond a system from tape and/or glue you simply use lace-release, allow a few minutes for it to loosen the grip, then peel the system off...most of the residues should be on the scalp.Any residue on the lace can be removed by applying glue-melter or one of the citrus0based ones mentioned below and sliding the lace on a glass surface [the `mirror-slide`technique] or by wiping it with bubble-wrap [that packing- material] Debbie`s glue melter needs time to `attack` the residues and break them down for ease of wipe-off. Sometimes needs 2 or 3 applications/wipes. If there`s glue stuck in the hair I suggest you use a citrus-base product like `Re-move` or `Desolve it`
http://www.amazon.com/Desolv-Citrus-Solu...B000BQWVTQ Apparently it`s available in stores in the USA also. I reckon glue itself is not your problem --it`s the way you`re using/applying it. There are many posts and thread down the forum on how to use glues and how the various ones `behave`for different guys. Again, different tapes have different hold-strengths like glues...it`s a question of experimenting with a few until you find one which you like best.. regards, paul.