Yeah that template is quite good now`ve tidied up the flaps and your temples are looking good there too. Don`t be afraid to come down a bit more at the the attached pic, you could trim your growing hair back as shown.....then bring [`stretch`] your perimeter down just a bit more ... as long as you don`t come down to where the yellow x marks are, you shouldn`t have any undue issues with your bond there... in relation to the ears ..I was just saying that you have an area of skin there where hair obviously doesn`t is your opportunity too `fill`that in a bit... and have a nice gentle/gradual sweep back to the back / nape area as shown . In pic 2 there [green line] I reckon the gap between the template edge and the green line to be approx. 1/4 of an inch or so...yes it will bring you down a little bit away from the occipital bone area, but not far enough down to cause major bond-issues [mark a few arrows like the red ones onto the template there too]. If you notice from the top of the ear to where it turns to go across the back, it`s `following ` the edge of the growing hair---the system hair will lie nicely over the bit of growing hair there and it will look the same as when you had a full head of hair....... just draw arrows onto the template. Might be a good idea to enclose a few pics of your remaining hair to show the factory the way it lies so they can make your new system look the same.Just having another look at hte 2 pics there now.... I`d say the green line from the top of the ear backwards would give your the best coverage and `look`---the blue line in pic 1 might leave you a bit `short`of coverage.... it can be a little tricky on your first`ll learn things now and when you get the system you`ll learn other things but shouldn`t need any drastic tweaking I`d say....... just get a nice age-appropriate density. I think I`ll go 65% at the back and top next time, 55% at the sides and possibly 70% for that last inch at the back just above the nape to give it `body`there and help hold the hair in /stop it curling long as they ventilate it in tight and down , it should be fine. Hope that sorts you out now. By the way, those densities are just me thinking aloud for me..... I was just `bouncing`them off you as food for thought....bye for now, Paul.