RE: finally wearing, some questions
Well done Waldo; welcome to the club.
Sounds like you did overdo the gloop, but with GTBG it's easily remedied. It was a good idea to use such an easy adhesive to start with.
I think most guys who post here sleep in their pieces. If you go for a light adhesive (like GTBG) and you sleep alone (or with someone who knows you wear) you could conceivably take it off every night, and that would lessen the wear and tear on the wig. But you would be spending a lot of time applying it every morning. Even after a lot of years wearing, I still spend 20 minutes or so getting mine on. Most just save themselves the hassle and live with the wear and tear, which is not that bad. You have probably heard the tip about using a silk pillowcase to reduce wear.
There is always a little initial shedding when you first put a new piece on - it's nothing to worry about yet.