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heavy diffuse hair loss - will I have to go full cap?
08-23-2011, 11:30 PM,
RE: heavy diffuse hair loss - will I have to go full cap?
Hi there...sorry to hear of your problems. Hmmmm, a few things `going on` obviously. Firstly I`m no medical [or any other] `` Expert`` so my in-put is purely as an `ordinary`person, and my own experiences generally. It is not necessary to stop being vegetarian to be `healthy`.... a sensible multi-vitamin daily will normally assist with any possible deficiencies... men in general do not lose Iron and do not need iron supplements...I`d advise you to have a chat/consultation with your doctor who can do some blood tests for a definitive answer to what you may need or not as the case may be. I was strictly vegetarian for many years and my blood-count was way above what was considered `normal`for a healthy male... so that nails that myth that veggies are not generally healthy.....eating a balanced diet including proteins such as from goats cheese/milk and plenty of fresh veg like broccoli/cabbage etc will provide iron etc. Your physician can advise on your hair-loss status too and whether or not it will re-grow. It may be typical baldness which has advanced [early-ish] in your case , or it may be temporary due to stress etc. I too am not a great sleeper, but find `melatonin` helpful rather than prescribed synthetic pharmacological drugs...it`s available in the USA over the counter in health food stores [`Wholehealth`being one] You may find it helpful..... so my advice is see your doctor and discuss your situation with him/her..best regards, Paul.

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RE: heavy diffuse hair loss - will I have to go full cap? - Paul In Ireland - 08-23-2011, 11:30 PM

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