Front partial
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum and am seriously considering going down the system route. I've always had very stylish hair that I've taken time to do but I have started receding in the last 18 months to a Norwood 3. The recession is mainly in the hairline and temple region and although I can almost hide it, it is becoming more and more apparent. I know a case like this isn't as severe as others I have seen with thinning on the whole head, but I figure that I will have to wear a system in the future anyway, so I am looking to buy a front partial for my hair line and temples as thickness is good everywhere else.
I have seen that many people are in the same situation...however I am struggling to find any pictures.
If you are/have been in my situation and went down the route of getting a front partial (particularly with temples) then I would be hugely grateful if you could post pictures.
To be honest, the whole situation is getting me really down and I would like to know that me considering a system is a worthwhile pursuit. Any other advice you can give would be hugely helpful.
Thanks guys,