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BA using pics of Toplace pieces for Stock Unit Gallery!
06-18-2011, 09:09 PM,
RE: BA using pics of Toplace pieces for Stock Unit Gallery!
Thanks Tim for your honest and balanced remarks. Its useful information.

Sadly I cannot say the same for the last reply.
It is typical of the hysterical remarks that I have come to expect (& ultimately drives me away) from forums and I suppose not unexpected when you consider that they can be accessed by anyone with a computer.
Looking back I can see that the same person is the purveyor of the ridiculous remarks that started this thread and the one making wild statements that I am in some sort of disguise, with a gambling problem!!??
I don't need to know and I don't want to know what thats all about.
I'm chalking that up to being a testament that 'Care in the Community' is not the greatest of concepts.
Not only that, he sounds like one of the authors of the 'heated' exchange I initially read where one participant was being controlled and reasonable and the second was apoplectic with elephantine bitterness, bashing out the word FACT after every inane sentence!
I can't remember the actual details of the statements but the gist was along the lines of;
"The world is flat, I can't tell you how I know this, I just do. FACT", "The moon is made of cheese, I read it in an email, FACT" etc.
When the other guy wrote a sensible and controlled reply, pointing out that all was indeed not 'fact', and was merely second hand hearsay, the first one simply added more "FACT"s to his replies, as if that alone made it so! "FACT! Hitler never committed atrocities. FACT!"
It started off as amusing reading, but my interest soon waned as it was typical of the tedious, ill informed banter that forums have become known for and that drive anyone with a modicum of intelligence away.
They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but clearly, in some cases, this statement needn't be gender specific!

Getting back to original subject title of this malicious thread;
Looking at the TopLace gallery, I can recognise exact images of people who have posted those same pictures on other forums as an illustration of their purchase from a different company to TopLace.
There are also pictures that seem to be lifted from the web pages of hair piece manufacturers in China.
TopLace nor HairApparent are alone in this deceptive marketing, as it seems endemic & widespread across the industry.
Thats why it seemed to me particularly childish and pernicious to point fingers only at one organisation.
As I've said, because of the open access nature of forums, there will always be an opportunity to give vent to those unbalanced contributors, prone to hysteria & hissy fits.
I was just pleased it was ignored and back-fired by becoming a catalyst for more negativity.
Its so rare that justice is so swiftly served!

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RE: BA using pics of Toplace pieces for Stock Unit Gallery! - Hersute - 06-18-2011, 09:09 PM

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