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Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
02-15-2011, 10:41 PM,
Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
OK guys... rather than fill up the other Thread with more pics [Fullcap template] I decided to do a new thread for convenience. Henry had said I have `good`side-hair......well, as I said, after sleeping on it, I took 2 pics this morning [the natural light wasn`t great as it was early] so I think you`ll be able to see the problem I have...... the hair looks ok when it`s been washed/ `fluffed up` but once it gets wet [like if I`m out on a hot day cutting the grass and sweating] it just literally goes into rats-tails and you can TOTALLY see the scalp..... it`s continuing to thin too so I reckon I have no choice but to either trim the template at the sides and back so it`s approx. a 3/4, or just leave it as it is which is fullcap..... obviously if I go fullcap, I don`t really want to be bothered with [colour] blending issues which you have to take into account when going partial/topper, so I can leave my own grow down a bit more at the back there so it looks `real` ... I`m not too bothered about the sides as the perimeter is down low enough I think?
I`ll go Swiss lace, possibly a strip of poly on either side but not at the nape ...... due to the `movement`there, you`d need the `stretch` of lace. Have a look at the temple area there..... I `ve adjusted the template there so that it`s just a few millimeters in `behind`the growing hair....I`m hoping that that will give a realistic `blend` there [to the eye].... I`m going to see how the new topper which is due, will look at the back with the slightly higher density I asked for, after that`s cut-in I`ll make a final decision on the `future` and will of course do a post with pics and ask for your input. Anyway, I`ll await your comments with interest guys. Finally, [for ``Drew100`] you asked about the making of the template..hope you found the pics of snipe`s template-making of help......I simply misted the scalp with water [this prevents the clear wrap film from moving about on your head] Then I took a long length of wrap and sat it on the head, and tied it under the chin [reasonably] firmly. I then `strengthened`it with strips of tape side-to-side, and then front-to-back. I then placed another strip of wrap from my forehead to the nape......then applied more strips of tape across the back area[ear-to-ear] etc....I gently and carefully made a cut in the film to allow the ears to`pop out`...this allows the template to sit more snugly into the head at those two points...you can then add more sticky tape to give the whole thing rigidity...... I drew my black line on it after the second layer of film ..it`s just to more or less mark the outline of where you think you`d like the final perimeter to be ..you should leave at least an inch to an inch-and-a-half of excess material on it when you take it off for the first trim........I hope that`s of help. If you cut it a bit `short`you can simply add more sticky tape over the area to build it back up......ok guys...over to you !!!! lol, Paul.
P.S. I took the advice of a poster there a few days ago [apologies I can`t recall just this minute who it was] ..but I have trimmed the front so that it`s to the shape of a contour -strip ,thus allowing me to either use contours `snugly`at the front, or glue if I wish to on any given day.

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Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template. - Paul In Ireland - 02-15-2011, 10:41 PM

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