(02-14-2011, 09:32 PM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: Hi again... I understand your frustration... you said you tried various shampoos/conditioners and they have the same ingredients as the Remysoft...I`m not being `picky`with you [ I respect your views as expressed fully] but have you actually used the Remysoft shampoo and conditioner ? I `m not here to endorse any particular product over another.....but things like Pantene etc. are not specifically formulated for system hair as such [I`m sure they are perfectly good products too ] but system hair has to be treated more gently than growing hair...it has no natural oils/lubricants etc. as you know, so any type of `washing`will remove what little it does have. Dryness is a major culprit too. I know [and have said it before] that Remysoft is `pricey` compared to a 5$ bottle of shop shampoo, but it is made specifically for system hair...also, Debbie has shampoo products too...I haven`t actually looked at them closely or priced them , but anything she sells will be good too...have a look there. In general guys, I`d advise any wearer , especially new wearers, to avoid `off the shelf`products, unless recommended by other wearers...you could be storing up problems by using them. Also, there may be substances in the water in your area..... you may be in a `hard`water area, or chemicals added to the water could be a factor. This is only a suggestion....try bringing a few saucepans of water to the boil, and filling them into a reasonably large bucket...allow to stand for a day or two and use that water to wash the hair with [ you can always re-heat some to lukewarm] ..it may be a bit laborious/not practical for you, but it might be worth a try.The leave-in conditioner I use is available from http://www.ppi.cc...... just click on `conditioners`on the right and you`ll see ``Enhance`[it`s a green bottle/liquid] and is reasonably -priced too. You`ll never get hair to the same condition as when you first took it out of the package, but neither should it go to the stage where it`s condition is annoying you. Paul.
I cant get ppi cos they charge 40 bux just to ship one bottle. I bought some nake protein leave in conditioner today and once again it jsut gives my hair that feeling that it has some product in it and if I tease my hair with hands it holds that "mess" and doesn't fall back down into a normal style. I called them to complain cos I asked for something that wouldn't do that and they told me i have to apply it to wet hair, which I then tried and it did no difference. Another 20 bux wasted.