when i first stepped out of the salon, i was worried not about my hair,or the fact it was a hair system.sure it looked diffrent, that was the problem, looking at myself with a new hairstyle, i coudnt see my look,we all have a look we kinda aspire to, and i was wearing a new unruly hair sytem like a obsinate teenager clinging to my head refusing to be budged one way or the other
it took a few days even a week to tame the hair.
i'v not had a negative comment i could make about wearing a hair system
i rekon the hypes right, but regards hair clubs they got the pricing way wrong.i'd love to see them go down the tubes,
one day this will be common place, smaller independant salons taking less of profit and like my salon they get by and arnt on the breadline by any streth of the imagination.
yeah im rammbling off point a tadd,
but when youve been through hair hell,and come to hair heaven youve got a lot to tell folk,
and beleive this,lifes far better,now i need to focus my worries somewhere else, umm wrinkles,
plastic surgery weight loss,
i cant thank all who helped me and continue to support me on this bloody awsome journey.
cheerrs guys.