RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
In view of you being `conscious`of your light density at the crown, I`d specify 40% for the first half/three-quarter inch in from the perimeter and rise it up then to say 50 -55% as you head towards the front---you can write the density in marker on your template and draw a line to mark the actual area.....also draw small arrows to show in which direction you want the hair to be ventilated / lay in, unless you`re going for `freestyle`...that will lie in whatever direction you `train`it by brushing it after a short while...once it`s lying the way you like it, then apply knot-sealer to the underside [very sparingly] and that will `lock`the hair into that position. As for wave or straight.... you are wearing your hair short just now, so I assume you will be cutting the system to match that so therefore, any `wave` will be all but cut out really so I wonder is there any point in ordering it ? The wave would be more obvious if you were to wear your hair longer..... I suppose if you let your own hair grow longer and it would grow wavy as you said it was before, well then you could order a body-wave on the system hair.....