alcohol-free hair products
searched the forum, but searching alcohol free in a hair system forum is a nightmare.
the subject of the post says it all.
very basic Q,where can i buy alcohol-free gel?spray leave in conditioner, shampoo.
i knew this was not a high street staple commonly found when i trawled , superdrugg, boots,looking for alcohol-free on the label.
i didnt want to ask for alcohol-free (lol) as i thought it might set of alarm bells , like ohh hair system wearers use alcohol-free products,
wacky thinking i know , but thats what i thought.
so not only is it costly to wear hair , now i find the product has to be alcohol-free,
i know alot of users here order supplies from the states.and e bay.
are there any suppliers lurking in the shadows of cyberspace i dont know of surley there are.
i'v searched ect ct.
i could buy from my salon, but that would be pricey.
hopefuylly this post , thread will help others if you can chip in with advice.
thanks in advance anty.