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A question to experienced wearers (Paul dig in :D)
10-14-2010, 12:58 AM,
RE: A question to experienced wearers (Paul dig in :D)
Hi balamouti.... Oh I see now --very clever thinking on the grey hair bit --wouldn`t have thought of that, regarding if you want to re -colour the system later.
I`m glad you can bear `witness`to what I have said before --using a lot of products leads to build-up and frequent washings, with consequent `wear`on your system.... I just find that `` less is best`` --others may not have any issues with it though.
As you know, I have a poly -perimeter, so I just pop on a few short little strips of `sensi -tac` tape [the red one] as it`s designed for more frequent de/re, and I use a light layer of glue on the front lace area ---- I remove the system from the back first [just pop my small finger up under the poly] and then just peel the system forward -- I hold it up off the scalp and give a few sprays of lace release onto the scalp just behind the glued area --- I then gently work my small finger onto the glued area [wet with lace release] and the thing just pops off nice and easy. I reckon pulling at the lace from front to back, can `stress`` the lace and could lead to tearing it eventually, as opposed to going ``with`` the flow of the system by going back-to-front you know ? Also, by spraying release onto the scalp, you are avoiding spraying alcohol down into the hair --just something I prefer to avoid -- I just reckon the less chemicals the hair is exposed to, the better in the long run. Depending on what strength glue/tapes you are using, a steamroom shouldn`t have too much adverse effects with a `new`bond really. Let us know though ! Cheers mate --Paul.

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RE: A question to experienced wearers (Paul dig in :D) - Paul In Ireland - 10-14-2010, 12:58 AM

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