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New to this game, just asking a few questions
12-07-2008, 10:37 PM,
New to this game, just asking a few questions
Hi, I am currently in the process of thinking about getting a hair system. I have strong recession on both sides of my hairline but not sure if I am at the hair system stage just yet, but nonetheless have a few questions that I would like to clear up in case I suddenly decide to take the plunge. I have done a fair bit of research on these forums lately but would like to clear a few issues up.

Making the template:
As I said, I have strong recession but generally a strong supply of hair elsewhere. So when I make the template, I am willing to shave as much as my head as need be, but where should i end the template at i.e. how far past the crown. Is it better to give the template some area below the crown or can I stop it around the crown area if this would make blending at the back easier.

Also, people say it is best to give some recession to the templates. I would like a relatively straightish hairline, so I would obviously put a bit of recession in it to make it natural, but can you still pull off a relatively straight hairline and make it look natural? And when i say straight, I do not mean dead straight but not a hairline where someone can see the obvious recession.

Applying the system:
As I said, I am willing to shave my existing hair all off, but I am petrified about shaving the right area for the system. What I am trying to ask is when you are shaving existing hair which the template goes over, at the outer edge of what you are shaving, is it easy to shave too much (i.e. past the template barrier) and how accurate do you need to be. I am just a little bit scared that if i do all this by myself, I may stuff up the shaving area as I am not particularly skilled in this area and then the system would not be able to work because it would not cover the required area. Can the systems be easily stretched if you are a bit off in certain areas?

Attachment method:
What is the best way to attach? I have seen the dvd advertised on this site and seen the tape across the frontal area, however in the dvd he does not put tape all the way across the front region. I was just wondering if it is okay to put tape across ALL of the front part or if is is best to put tape across most of the front but leave the edges untaped.

Glue question:
Are the white glues water resistant i.e. can I take a shower in my system without the bond being weakened.

Also do the other glues like ultra hold allow you to shower without the bond being loosened (I would prefer to wear white glue but would use ultra hold if it meant I could take a shower without the bond being loosened)

Also, what are people's recommendations for the best white glue and how long a hold would I be looking at being able to achieve?

Final question is on the system itself. As a first timer, what would be the best system to get. I obviously would like an undetectable hairline but I would also like thick hair elsewhere, so would a sfs front and maybe a polyskin base be my best bet as a newbie? Or a sfs front and french lace base, keeping in mind I would like rather thick hair and I read the psb would be best for this.

Sorry about all the questions, just would like to get other people's opinions on these issues.

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New to this game, just asking a few questions - snell - 12-07-2008, 10:37 PM

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