help needed - new to hair replacement
I would like to introduce myself. I am 28 years of age with dark brown hair. I am from the island of Malta (Europe). I have tanned skin. Unfortunately I am new to hair replacements and thus I have alot of questions in my mind, so excuse my questioning. I have some hair on top as I use TOPPIK to cover up, but I am fed up of doing TOPPIK on a daily basis. And I cannot swim with TOPPIK.
Lately I have been to a local studio and for a hair replacement they told me that a unit will cost 1,500.00 euro. The hair in use was real hair. (I still don't know what remy hair is however). I am constantly learning more about the subject. And about 45.00 euro monthly for maintenance and another 250.00 euro per 6 months for repairing. In Malta the weather is hot in Summer and we have a humid atmosphere. In Summer I swim often and I regularly excercise at the gym, hence I sweat.
What about breathable bases? As I will be sleeping with the unit. I don't want to be seen in public or at home without the unit. Thus I want the unit to be very natural. I have seen wigs and sometimes they look very unreal. Since I am still young I don't want to be known as wearing a wig.
I have seen many bases on the net and to tell you the truth I am more consfused than ever.
I have seen some forums and they give alot of negative feedback about some hair replacements.
Can you help me about the matter please to decide what I should look for?
I have tanned skin and my hair is dark brown to brown and has some body wave. I would like to have a hair replacement which breathes as I don't want sweat to be trapped underneath (because of the smell). Considering my age I want the hair replacement to be very close to natural.
Apart from this I go to the gym (when I have time) and go to the beach in the hot Summer months. If I don't choose lace, can I still style my hair back or will it be visible? I also read about bleached knots which seems to be good for me too.
Most of the time I will use a gel or wax to set-up my hair. There seems to be many types of bases, and I would like to choose the best one that suits me.
Ant what type of glue/tape do you suggest? And what about my hairline? And any suggestions from where I should order and how many times a year I will have to replace the unit?