A sad Day-Homer Shaves his head..
Hello all, I started a new job this week and attached my piece myself on sat- unfortunately it wasnt the best attachment as as i have a light density wrinkles were somewhat visible. thus on tues and wed i re-attached again due to same problmes. sadly by using tape each time the piece lost quite a bit of hair and the knots were very visible. my new piece has not been cut in yet so i just stared at it with a depressing feeling in my stomach.
anyway due to this sadly i had to shave my head last nite and go to work with it today.. think people were quite shocked..
i wont be able to wear for a while now as will be in this job for at least 6 months.i want to move away from lace when i do wear again, it sheds to much and always has wrinkles when used with tape- i know many people dont have this problem but sadly i always do.
my question then is this- is there any bases that do not crease or shed and are basically a lot easier than lace to work with? i plan to start wearing again at some point. thanks for any help.