Cold feet before the BIG DAY ...
Hi there,
My piece is ready but I keep postponing THE DAY .... I'm just getting cold feet ...
I have been using concealers for the past 3 years and it has been working amazingly for me, however for the past 2-3 months since I keep losing hair, I can't apply properly it on the hairline area anymore since there's not enough hair left, it's becoming more and more obvious and people can see the stuff like black dirt on my scalp...
So a couple of months a go I went to a place to order my first piece, now its been ready for almost a month but I keep postponing my appointments to get it on....
So in a way the transition shouldn't be that dramatic since people are used to see me with 'hair', I'm also aware I wont be able to wear my hair the same style as I used to with the concealer all back and definitely people will notice I suddenly have way more hair...
I guess most of the wearers had those thoughts before the big DAY when they first put it on ... how did you cope with it? What was the reaction of your family, friends and co-workers when they first saw you with your new hair?
Many thanks...