anubi5 Wrote:how do they go all the way at the back near the neck? i mean thats an area that gets a lot of movement with turning ur head isnt it? looking up and down the skin wrinkles up. I no my current hair line is where the skin wrinkles up and stretches all the time... is there a thread with some good pics of a full cap? im in australia so would never get to any of those conventions u talk about.
You have to use strong tape at the nape. Overlap the tape a tiny fraction of an inch to reduce the ridge in the transition area. Dino and I both use blue liner back there and have no problems with lifting, and mine is all the way down below the base of the skull.
I'm also trying a new tape for use at the base and it looks promising. I will give an update when it is fully tested....only on day 2 but so far so good.....