03-23-2009, 03:25 AM,
Posts: 134
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attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
How do you guys ensure an attachment that's lined up correctly and flush with the shaved/bald area? The method I've been using is this:
Once glue is dry I press the front of the hairpiece down in what I think is the middle of my forehead, let it sit for a few seconds, then I pull in both directions - laterally and in a downward motion - and push down lightly, every two inches or so. I keep doing this motion until I get to the back and it's done. This works ok for me, but I'm not 100% at it. Often I get one side overlapping my real hair and thus screwing up my attachment. Like right now I have my left side and left/back part of my lace hanging over my real hair by about 1/4". I hate the feeling when after I pressed it down and i feel that edge and realize I screwed it up and don't know how to start over w/o completely starting over and wrecking my scalp by removing fresh glue and reapplying.
What's a good method to ensure a higher rate of getting it flush with my shaved area? Btw, I checked and the base shape/size is the same as the shaved area so that's not the issue.
Also, when I do realize that I screw up the attachment like this, is there an easy way to pull the piece off and try again w/o having to clean up all the Ultrahold and completely start over? It's been about 24 hours now, do I have to remove the piece and glue and completely start over?? ouch
03-23-2009, 03:33 AM,
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Re: attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
some people make a mark on their forehead and place the piece just behind it.....then remove the mark after the piece is on.
If you are new to this , and only overlapping your own hair on one side by 1/4 inch, you are doing very well.!! there is a learning curve to this, the more you do it, the more accurate you will become. if your piece is the right size, and it sounds like it is, you could try applying one side first and then laying it down side to side, if one side lines up perfectly , then the other side should fall in the right place....unless you are stretching it a bit too much.
03-23-2009, 03:40 AM,
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Re: attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
I glue or tape around the perimeter and leave the front clean then I attach the back and sides. I flip the front up (like a hood of a car) and apply the glue, let it dry and the flip it down to get a nice all around attachement. You should also try the Re-align product from Debbies site, You spray it on your glue/tape BEFORE you place in on your head, it sort of temporarily stops the stickyness for about 30 seconds so you have time to move things around. It seems like it ruins the bond but it dries and the bond is then normal.
03-23-2009, 04:45 AM,
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Re: attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
Thanks for the quick responses.
I know that you can spray alcohol on your head and base and that gives you a few seconds to move the piece around to get it positioned, then the alcohol evaporates and you are past the point of no return. I haven't done this but will try. The reason I didn't want to do it like that is that I want to get a nice, tight, flush attachment (like MB does in his video where he stretches the base a little) and I figure if you just lay the piece on your head you run the risk of getting bubbles and wrinkles. Maybe I'll try your method, hairagain. The only thing I worry about is after you attach the back and sides, do you get bubbles/wrinkles at the hairline? That would be my fear. That I'd lay the front down into the glue and realize that it's not stretched enough in other areas. Know what I mean?
Debbie, thanks for the compliment for not being off to badly. I did, in fact, make marks at the hairline based on a duplicate template I made. I glued the area above the marks and did a nice job there. The problem is knowing where the center of the hairline on the lace is, not on the scalp - I could see the center on my scalp with the mark I made. Obviously what I think I did is I missed the center by 1/4" and that's why it overlapped on the one side (either that or I stretched the piece too much and need to shave more area to account for the stretching I'm doing) - or a combination of the two (lol). I wonder: is there a way to mark the center of the the lace at the hairline, and line that up with the mark I made on my forehead? And then be able to wash away the mark on the lace so it doesn't look weird and draw attention to my hairline? That way if I'm still overlapped I know I'm stretching it and need to shave more area. I'm really trying to dial in on these attachments cuz when I get this thing flush there's no detecting it by touch, let alone by site. It's so awesome when you rub your hand and fingers all around your head and you feel nothing. The transition is seamless. A lot of chicks will rub their hands through your head (especially if you have nice hair haha) and I just don't want a nail grabbing an edge. If it happens so be it, but obviously it's not a situation I desire.
Thanks again guys
03-23-2009, 06:04 AM,
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Re: attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
I have gotten a bump or crease in the past but with using the Re-align, which gives me some time, it is not a problem.
I wear my hair in a medium length, around 3.5 to 4 inches. It is side parted and falls to the side. I show a crisp realistic part and hairline only near the part because of the length and conservative style. If I have a miss-hap, its only a problem if it is on or near the part. I think having the very short and almost crew cut style looks great on some peoples but I have always worn my hear in some version of what I have now, tweaked for the times lets say. I think with it being shorter, you really have to attach perfectly.
03-23-2009, 06:26 AM,
Posts: 134
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Re: attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
btw, I like the side to side idea. I might try that as well.
One last question: is there anything I can do to salvage the glue from a recent (like within a few hours) attachment? In other words, is it possible to remove the piece and reapply w/o having to remove and reapply all the glue?
03-23-2009, 10:36 AM,
Posts: 169
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Re: attachment tips needed (glue and lace)
You could try spritzin with 99 alcohol? that might reactivate the glue, I can't say I have tried to get it to work after taking it of, I like a clean start...