On day 3 with a mixture that I posted on another discussion on, a mix of G2BG products, am tugging on my hair with one hand, as I "peck the keys" with the other.
IT IS ON THERE......S O L I D !!!
Dino...usually, I remove and clean everyday or 2 at the most, cause I'm working outdoors, usually, in this hot,
New Mexico sun ! ( not Arizona Dino :mrgreen: ).........and as you know Amigo, I wear all skin, which personally ......for me........is the best all around unit base.
Purposely leaving on for another day or 2.......just for a test run, .....the last 3 days have been over 80 degrees and I have been landscapping, which is strenous activity, and even worked up a sweat on me. as i'm not a sweat'er, if thats a word ???

Broke out the rear window on my pick'um' camper shell,making a dump run, and worked on replacing it,
also out in the blazing sun........it's still on there pretty darn solid !!........under this skin base, which is hotter than any lace . Oh yeah.........also in the last 2 or 3 days or so, installed 6 skylights on a mobile home roof, with the NM sun, blazing down on that hot metal roof, must have been over a 100 * up there....
After this test period, of my G2BG , product mixture, I'm gonna try it on a skin unit that has a French Lace front. As I have never tried this forumla on lace, as I am strictly a skin wearer. But, got this unit for " chump change " and bought purposely to just try out the lace front with the G2BG mixture. May be in the next few days I will cut in this unit, try out the mixture hold, on lace, and report back if anyone is interested.
ps.........As mentioned before........my initial adhesive is Davlyn , all around the perimeter and a few dabs in the center, but from there on, its the G2BG mixture:
Few drops of the Spiking Glue........
Few drops of the Rubber Cement
A few burst of the Freezing Spray
And this batch also added the Bed Head Spiking product, I had laying around.......ahh what the hell, live it up! :lol:
Stir it all up......apply with a finger or small brush that comes in some coloring products, or foam paint brush. On both unit base and head, let dry for a minute or so, and sometimes I add more Freezing Spray, over the mixture on both my head and unit base.......
Also at times, .........I dab a little more Davlyn on the base after a base rinse off.....just like TV cook Emirl, throws in a little of this .......a little of that hee hee........ :lol: , what the hell..........have fun with this hair wearing , don't stress over it............JEZEEEEEEE, I crack up over some of these posts on here........folks reallyyyyyyyyy stress out over a few ounces of hair !!!

.......cut it yourself, its just hair, style it, attach it, you will be surprised what ya can do .........if ya just don't let that few ounces of material , control ya fears !!!
Hell..........when I starting wearing over 40 yrs ago........there was no internet, no forums like this one to get help!..........ya went to your local barber shop and he did not even have a picture to show and tell........ya ordered and ya took it home with a roll of German Brown cloth tape !! And ya made it work !! :roll: