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The importance of the base on a Full Cap
08-16-2008, 12:33 PM,
The importance of the base on a Full Cap
The other day I switched back over to wearing my all lace full cap.

I have been wearing a full cap with a poly perimeter that needs to go back to get remade just to get me through for the time being. I have been wearing the new one since the Orlando convention over a month ago, and I was absolutely amazed when I attached my all lace piece just how much difference it makes having the temples placed far enough back and having the proper recession in the unit.

That's why when someone is ordering their first full cap I recommend all lace. I had to chop into the one I am wearing to get the temples and recession the way I wanted, since I had ordered from measurements. Putting this unit back on the other day just goes to confirm that being able to tweak the front area is crucial to the overall look of a full cap.

When Dino was here for the Orlando convention, we did some minor tweaking to his full cap and it made a HUGE difference. Just a little snip to take off a corner right above the sideburns gave it so much more realism.

Now that I see just how important this is I am going to make sure I include this information on the DVD I am working on.
08-17-2008, 02:45 AM,
Re: The importance of the base on a Full Cap

Even though I haven't ordered my first full cap yet, I would agree with you about the importance of being able to modify the sideburns and front. But, What do you think about having a very thin skin perimeter starting over the top of the ears (using your straight line suggestion) running to the nape?


08-19-2008, 11:13 AM,
Re: The importance of the base on a Full Cap
No offense to former pioneers but JRob is the man when it comes to full caps. One day I will need one and I am going to his house. You leve near Chicago, yes?
08-19-2008, 11:45 AM,
Re: The importance of the base on a Full Cap
Reubin, I'm pretty sure JRob lives in Orlando, not Chicago. If I remember correctly, wasn't the Orlando convention held at his house?
08-19-2008, 11:58 AM,
Re: The importance of the base on a Full Cap
That's right. I met him in Chicago. I was one click away from Orlando convention. I was in the US and everything. Jrob - sorry I missed it but it was my mother's birthday and I'm not in the states too often... So I stayed with my folks that week.
08-20-2008, 06:22 PM,
Re: The importance of the base on a Full Cap
Yea, I'm in Orlando.

And I believe it was in Vegas we met Reubin. I haven't been to Chicago since I was 6 years old to see the cubs play the cardinals, and I had the thickest hair you've ever seen back then Big Grin

Anyone who is getting started with a full cap and wants to fly into Orlando for a couple of days I'll do my best to get you started. There's a slight learning curve but it's mainly with tweaking the base to get the right look, as I said. I also have a really easy way to attach and a coupe of other tricks up my sleeve, but the nip and tuck job on the lace is the ace in the hole.

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