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Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
01-10-2015, 05:24 AM,
Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
Here are pictures. Should I go down a little on the temples kind of like a bell shape template? I want to expose the hairline but I read that's for experienced wearers. So i plan to try and brush the hairline forward first then up in the front kind of messy like. I have decent temples and thick sides. The template I made seems to have a sharp curve at the crown area i think i have an odd shaped flat back of my head is probably why. I would order a stock piece to get my feet wet but I'm afraid it wont fit right and right now I use concealers and a kinda comb over that i would ruin if i shaved the area down to fit a system.

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01-10-2015, 07:17 AM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
If it was me...I would shave the area you have combed forward in the photo of the top of your head. Rule of thumb is to Use as much of your real hair as possible. Also, I wouldnt make the front hair line so straight across your forehead. Have a little more curve. Most stock units are made with an " A " contour front hairline. You can order stock units and just trim the stocks base back and sides to fit the area you want to cover, but leave the front hairline alone....
01-10-2015, 07:38 AM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
Thank you for the response! I see what you're saying about the straight haiirline. I do wish for a little arch in it. How do I accomplish this on my template? the crown of my head is oddly shapped its not rounded it just goes flat and straight down the back of my head i was worried a stock unit wouldnt sit right. Or do they pretty much fit the contour or your head?
01-10-2015, 07:57 AM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
Just to point out that in the 2nd-last photo, I reckon the template is covering your own hair too much.... your side /back hair there looks good /thick ..... if you go with that size of template, you`ll end up shaving some of that hair ` out of the way` to make room for the system..... it would be a shame to get rid of good /strong hair..... many guys who wear toppers actually make the template slightly smaller than the bald area /area needing coverage, at the sides and back....this ensures that you done`t have to shave ` good` hair and a small ` gap` between the edge /perimeter of the system and where the ` good` hair is, means you can easily stretch the lace a little if you want /need to, when attaching...... I`d keep as much of your own hair as possible ... it`s better to have the perimeter not overlapping onto growing hair....adhesive materials will only stick properly to bare skin.......
in relation to the front hairline ..... just trim it to the outline of your own natural hairline ...if you frown, you`ll see the line/crease where the forehead skin meets the scalp skin [ only the forehead skin moves] ..that`s your front hairline.... hope that helps.
01-10-2015, 08:29 AM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
Thanks! I read that some adhesives like Got2B stick better with stubble opposed to bare skin. Also i want to make the size of the system/location the easiest one that blends with a hairstyle like would it blend better if it were more on top of my head or if it was larger and reached the top 1/3 of the sides?

Would i have problems with the piece staying on it its not a round template? To leave the side hair i have would make a for a narrow top and wide front like a bell shape. I read its easier to blend and to stay attached if its more of an oval shape.
01-10-2015, 08:36 AM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
Hmmm, I wouldn`t ` design` it just with ` Got2b` in mind... ..there will inevitably be times when you want to use other adhesive products....... the blend-in will be down to the stylist really ... it will be best if the perimeter of the system sits ` against` the remaining hair, rather than on top of it.
01-10-2015, 09:11 AM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
Will there be bonding issues if the piece is so oddly shaped? I'm making another template right now and if I try to keep as much strong hair as possible it creates a mushroom kind of shape. here's more pics of the situation.

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01-10-2015, 11:45 AM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
Anywhere the tape and or glue can stick to skin ....it will stick ! Yes, you will need more of a mushroom shape template to cover your front hairline area and the center of your head. Your template wont be very big but that wont matter. They make all different sizes and shapes of tape. As stated, you still got good side and back hair to blend in with the unit, so use it. You just have to go for it and see how it goes. You can always change the next order.
01-10-2015, 02:43 PM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
IMO i think that you should more or less follow the edge of your thinned hairline as outlined in pink (roughly) then back, replacing the thinning area and stopping at the back.
personally i dont agree with wrinkling ones forehead to find a hairline placement. not that it isnt correct, it will certainly be where your hairline used to be. but what you get then is a to wide to low hairline reaching to far back to the side hair.

although you do have nice temple peaks and side hair it has still receded. which is why using the wrinkle method will create a to wide hairline that has to reach to far back.

in blue i'm estimating where the wrinkle method would bring you. i only did one side because of the photo.
i think what i outlined shows a fair approximation of how far back the temple region has recede and where your natural hairline using the wrinkle method should end which is where i made the vertical dots to show where how far forward your side hair probably was. its not perfect thats for sure but i think its a decent representation.

i'm certainly not a guru but i think that the hairline needs to recede with the side hair for a more natural appearance.
to me it is always a giveaway or at least something that looks off if not appropriately matched.

i could be wrong but that is how it appears from the pic i used. perhaps it would be different with a pic head on without your template.
personally when i do the wrinkle method my hairline should be around an inch lower but at the same time my temple region should be brought forward as well

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01-10-2015, 07:47 PM,
RE: Help w/ Template please! (Pics)
wow thank you very much for taking the time to help me on this!

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