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10-16-2014, 01:59 PM,
Do the stock units usually last longer than custom units?

My first system was a stock and it lasted almost 5 months, my second system was custom and it barely made it 2 months. It began to shed very early and I need to order a new one already.. Is this normal...? If that's the case I will be going stock units from now on.

I had the same exact rituals, lifestyle and sweating for both the stock and custom. If anybody has this information please share! Thanks!
10-17-2014, 07:02 AM,
RE: Longevity
my last system,{not! top lace} has lasted me 6 months from april to October 2014
medium skin, poly.
my system sheds more at the forelock, as I mess about spiking the front ect ..
I was intentionally careful to wash the front rather than comb any hairspray build up out,
and im proud of myself.
could be 1) sub standard system,2)cuticle off hair 3) change in you're grooming behaviour ,
shampoo, washing drying routine.
my new system cut in yesterday is a lace front skin elsewhere.
im determined to keep it for 6 month, not luck, but being gentle and aware
ill be buying my orwg from my hairdresser via the wholesaler the small 1/2 oz. bottles are a rip off,£13.00 a bottle inc postage @ least
hers is in a 12 oz. squeezed bottle 45.00 massive saving
even if its posted out
regards anty
10-17-2014, 07:48 AM,
RE: Longevity

Since you spike the front, can you tell me how you ensure an undetectable front hairline? From my knowledge so far, I would guess that maybe you have a swiss lace front with bleached knots (double/single?) fixed with ORWG at the front. Other areas fixed with tape on the more sturdy poly or skin material?

Am I in the ballbark? I have never worn before. It might be a bit ambitious, but I would liketo have an exposed hairline. Or, at LEAST not have visible knots, even if I style forwards. From holding a system in my hands the other day, I saw the the biggest tell will probably be the knots when wearing.

Please advise.
10-19-2014, 05:20 AM,
RE: Longevity

Where is she sourcing 12oz bottles of ORWG?? Never seen it in anything but 0.5oz size. IS it ORWG or just a White Glue?
10-19-2014, 06:17 AM,
RE: Longevity
she says its oil resistant, safe, I mentioned orwg she says its the same product, im willing to give it ago to make huge savings. Ill report back when Im in receipt of my first bottle.
11-08-2014, 05:16 AM,
RE: Longevity
I stand up my front hairline too. It's very easy for me and I'd argue that I have one of the best hairlines here. Completely undetectable. For me Swiss is the key. My first piece was French and that gave a pretty good hairline but Swiss is MUCH better IMHO. I use ORWG for my hairline. 3 thin layers. I dry each layer with a hairdryer (no heat). But here's where I differ from most people. I've seen a lot of people try to mark out their hairline with an eyeliner pen and try to get the glue perfect and exact. I don't bother with all of that that. I actually go by my top furrow line on my brow as a guideline. I attach about a half inch above that. I attach the back first with gel (since I have poly) and I line it up where I want. Then I flip the front up and clip it back. When I apply the glue I actually apply it farther down then where the lace ends. I press the lace down hard and then comb the hair forward gently with a vent brush. After a couple minutes I brush the hair back. Now some of the hair obviously get stuck in the glue. I just take a little Adjust-A-Bond from hair direct and put it on a q-tip. Then I wipe the hair that are stuck in the glue and 5 seconds later they come free. I wipe the skin in front of the lace with the q-tip and just leave it be. I style the hair and I'm done. Perfect hairline every time. I use so little of the Adjust-A-Bond that I have 3/4 of a bottle left that I bought in January.

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