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Some Further Fullcap Photos
07-31-2014, 07:54 AM,
Some Further Fullcap Photos
Just a few other photos as mentioned on my other recent thread...
p.s. -- the camera makes this look a bit thinner than it is ....also, there are variances in how the colour appears from one photo to the next ... it`s just variances in the lighting.

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08-08-2014, 08:52 AM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
what percentage of grey does this piece have?
08-08-2014, 10:07 AM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
Looks great mate. What are the densities of the piece?

I have found that you can go quite short at the nape and it looks amazing to be honest. I think FCs are sooo much better than toppers for many reasons (unless you have a lot of and thick side hair and great temples)
08-08-2014, 05:27 PM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
The Grey is 10%. They made this one a bit on the ` lighter` side than I usually get....the last photo there makes it look thinner than it is.... I can`t give you specific percentages unfortunately... I just left that up to John / the factory, originally.... it has to be age-appropriate..... the biggest give-away with any system is density being too high.....scalp show-through really sells the illusion, as does a bit of grey hair if you`re over forty yrs. of age or thereabouts---- John will be able to order my specs. for you if you think it`ll work for you.
I agree Transcap---keeping it short at the back is good...the longer you leave it there, it can tend to stand out a bit and looks off...... I always tell the stylist to leave it ` long` / over the ears... then do my own ` tweaking` at home..... you need to leave a gap between the lace edge and the area where the ear ` meets` the head...if you have the perimeter resting on the ear it`ll itch because the hair is literally only millimeters long there.... I leave a ` gap` there of at least 5 or 6 millimeters.....it`s the trickiest part for me ....when I make the template, I have it resting on the ears and the flaps in front of them are also ` on` the ear area... I trim the lace there before the cut-in... I`d rather have it slightly too big there, than arrive to me with the flaps too small..... I also have the nape area on the ` low` side.
08-08-2014, 09:38 PM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
Thanks for all the great info Paul. i'm 29, but have a few greys starting to pop up around my temples.. only a few.. but i know they are there.. so i thought i might order just a few greys scattered through the piece. Yours looks great, but i might go a little less.. might order 5% and see how that looks.
i've just finished tweaking my first full cap template. I have the bottom of it sitting just below that bone on the back of my head, leaving about an inch of natural hair at the bottom of my head to hopefully avoid that unnatural look some full caps have with a traight edge, or where the hairs stick out when the head is tilted forward. I'll see how that goes.

I can't wait to receive my first fullcaps (i'll order two at first so i've always got a backup).. I wear a topper now.. and i think i can achieve a pretty decent blend with my sides and back, but it takes a lot of work.. and my right temple is really thinning (so weird, the left one is fine!).. so i'm really looking forward to having some nice full temples, and not having to worry about the blending issue anymore.

I'm planning to do what you do with the daily de/re using a few little bits of tape, rather than a strong and secure bond. I can think of only positives doing it that way. It will keep the piece in good condition. will be good nights sleep every night cause i always sleep better without a piece on.. and it would mean no more nasty mess/cleanup. My partner knows i wear anyway, so going to bed bald, and then putting my hair on in the morning isnt going to cause any weirdness at home.
08-09-2014, 07:45 AM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
Hi White Noise..... yeah just 5% would do you for now ... I got that amount when I decided to try adding in grey ...it was hardly noticeable which is what you need as a starting-point..you can increase it a bit on subsequent orders so people don`t see this ` stark` difference in your hair.
My nape hair was like rats tails so it wasn`t an option for me to keep any of it ---if yours is ok that will help give a nice ` finish` at the back..... you most likely won`t need to keep much ` length` there ....just be careful of not having your perimeter too ` high` up or you`ll defeat the purpose as the system hair will not ` lie-in` as well as you`d need it to .... I`d keep no more than about half an inch of your own hair and have the perimeter ` sitting` immediately on the line where the hair has been shaved to.... that way you`ll have no more than half an inch of system hair lying over the growing hair ...that will work best .....if you keep too much ` length` of real hair , your perimeter will be too high up on the back of your head......
It`s great to have the ` luxury` of a nightly detach.... I too prefer to sleep with it off my head... it saves wear on the system too ..... it can be done pretty quickly once you get into the swing of it .... have you sent off the template yet ? If not, you might want to add a little material at the back there ..... I`m sure you`re pretty clued-in anyway, having been wearing toppers up to now .....you`ll know what will work...... I had mine a bit ` high` before and as you said, once you incline the head forward you can feel the hair standing out.... I brought the edge down a lot lower since then.... I keep the hair -length there pretty short --that way it tends to stay ` in place`.
08-09-2014, 01:54 PM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
Hi Paul,
I've attached some pics of my template.

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08-09-2014, 08:50 PM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
Yeah the temple and sideburn areas need to go back more its way to forward.
08-10-2014, 08:56 AM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
White Noise , My marking/s are just a suggestion .....it`s hard to see under your template meaterial in the temple area.... I cannot see where your natural hair used to be ...... you have short-ish sideburn hair ....mine grows down much longer, down to the bottom of the ears....your facial hair is growing ` up` to meet the sideburn hair..... it`s tricky to say exactly what you should do there....either shave off the sideburn hair totally and have your system flaps [ and hair!] come down onto the facial hair, or make shorter flaps and ` show` a bit of the growing sideburn hair..... my feeling is the flaps would be too short --it would look odd ..... I`m hoping other guys will give their honest opinion ..... there are several ` issues` with the shape of the template.... obviously you are the best person to know where your natural hairline is / was growing ......try to get a curve on the template from your temple area to the front-point...you need to ` come back` a bit off the side of your face in front of the temples...you have it too far out onto your face ..... adding the curves as shown will make a much more natural look.......that straight line from your ear out towards your eyes would look way off.... making the flaps and curves around the temples will make a big difference..... I also suggest just adding a tiny bit more material to the nape area.....your growing hair is thin there ..it will hardly be seen under the system hair ...remember ..it`ll most likely only ever be ` seen` if /when you incline your head down and a person behind you were to casually look at your neck...even a light-ish density system will look denser over that growing hair..... I actually kept a little of my own hair there for my first foray into the Fullcap -wearing world ..... I found it was not worth keeping it ...once the system hair comes down over it, it`s hardly ever seen !
Don`t take my markings as ``it``---by all means use them as a guide....always try to re-create / ` follow` the outline of where your original hair grew.....the trickiest area in your case , from what I can see is that sideburn versus facial hair area !

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08-10-2014, 01:43 PM,
RE: Some Further Fullcap Photos
thanks for the feedback Paul.
do you think it would be a good idea to specify the hair around the nape be ventilated straight down and flat to base?

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