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Could you critique my full cap template? (Pics)
10-24-2013, 02:02 PM,
Could you critique my full cap template? (Pics)
Hello guys,
I decided to take the plunge and get a full cap. I want to lower my hairline a bit and reconstruct my temporal angles.

I suspect I might have overdone it a bit. Maybe I should just follow the line of my existing hair, perhaps adding just half a centimeter? Could you guys take a look at my template and tell me if it's ok? I really don't want to botch this up.

[Image: wJVFyWt.jpg]
[Image: sq7W6uN.jpg?1]

(It's a bit rough-and-ready, I'm going to make another cleaner one if the shape is all right.)

Thanks Smile
10-24-2013, 03:41 PM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template?
The only thing I can suggest is this. I grew out 1/4" of my own hair on the sides and temples and from the fold/bone (I don't know the name) down. This way you see your own growing hair on the sides and the attachment at the back is right at the fold where all the action is, this way I have no issues of attachment there at all. Look weird when the cap is off. Also, this lets you wear a baseball cap that shows hair coming out the sides and back when you're not wearing the hair piece.

I get it longer on the back then trim the lace to where I want it.
10-24-2013, 06:58 PM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template?
Just a fast one as I`m on my way out to work,,,,, I`d add more ` curve` around the temple area as shown [excuse my shaky red line--using a laptop touch-pad] ---I`d bring down the ear flaps as shown and come ` down` behind the ears too..... you should consider growing side-burns--makes for a nice natural look which you can then ` blend` the flaps onto.... my experience has been to also ` come down` on the nape area rather than having the perimeter of the system ` high` up on the neck.... I know you`d read that the movement of the neck causes the edge to de-bond there.... it`s not something that`s been an issue for me ... I find that by having the perimeter ` low` and keeping the hair-length there between 1/4 and 1/2 an inch, the hair tends to stay in ` tight` to the neck...longer hair tends to curl outwards and you`re conscious of it all the time, which is what happens if the perimeter is up ` high`...hope that helps.

Attached Files Image(s)
10-24-2013, 07:48 PM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template?
I think Paul is exactly right about the recession.
It needs to come back so the temple hair is in front of it instead of straight down.

I've only shown the hairline because I'm not a full cap wearer and have no idea of the pros & cons re longer sides & nape.

If you wanted a more conservative hairline it would need to be a bit more like the last picture.

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10-24-2013, 09:02 PM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template?
Hello guys,
I made a new template following your advice. What do you think?

[Image: MTRWMQy.jpg]
[Image: M1u6rEm.jpg]
[Image: I5edHh5.jpg]
10-24-2013, 10:11 PM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template?
Its getting there.
The front looks fine.
Its the bit I've marked with the red line. Its too straight and up & down.

There are a couple of alternative shapes marked in red & yellow dots that bring the temple hair at an angle.

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10-25-2013, 08:55 AM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template?
canty... here`s the type of shape you`d be best to go for... Hersute has done a good job with his suggested lines...you need to ditch the ` straight
lines .. I tend to have the edge of the base in the nape area, on a ` level` with the bottom of the ears..... yours looks like it`s still too high up at the
back...I can see where your hair grows and what you want / need is to re-cover that..obviously you don`t want hair literally down your neck to the
shoulder blades but I suggest you mark a horizontal line on your nape area [use an eyebrow pencil ]where the tips/ ends of your hair used to lie...
then have the edge / perimeter of your template about 1/4 of an inch above that line...it will look far more natural than having the system too ` high` on
the back of the head.... have attached pic of the line/s I draw on my head before laying on the clear-wrap... it helps to ` see` what shape you`re tracing out on your film.... use indelible marker on the clear film to ` copy` the outline..... remember, once you have your template made, allow it to settle for a few days..they often change shape and / or the film can ` shrink` a bit ...this can affect [in particular] the flaps..... they may not be lying in the right place compared to when you just completed the template!
You can adjust your template by adding more material or trimming as required..it can be a bit frustrating, but patience will reward you.
You will always have marker lines on your template which are a normal thing as you ` adjust` the finished template to actual / finished size ...just specify on your order `Ignore marker-lines ----- system to be made to actual template size ` You can of course, mark small arrows on it to indicate hair-direction [Ventilation] required if you`re going for anything except Freestyle..... you might like to mark a crown-point or if you don`t want one, just specify ` No crown-point required`

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10-25-2013, 02:55 PM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template? (Pics)
Ok, I decided to draw the outline directly on my head, like Paul did. I think I got it. I did make a new template, but I botched it. I will try a new method later today or tomorrow. At any rate, what do you guys think about the new shape?

[Image: vgwkBMS.jpg]
[Image: 0pLtVtX.jpg]

I didn't do the back of my head because there's nothing to reconstruct there, I'll simply follow the contour of my hair.
10-26-2013, 01:21 AM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template? (Pics)
10-30-2013, 01:05 AM,
RE: Could you critique my full cap template? (Pics)
Made a new template, had to adjust it a bit there and there.

[Image: 0ukr7U2.jpg]
[Image: dyOokpp.jpg]
[Image: G4kxKtP.jpg]

Do you think I should add a bit more tape near the ear?

[Image: FEDNwzm.jpg]

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